#soberoctober day 31: better timez

Oct 31, 2017 22:21 · 216 words · 2 minutes read

I’ve updated timez to support user defined timezone aliases.

This might be helpful if you have family or colleagues in different timezones:

 ~ Ω timez mom bro gran auckland
mom: 2017-10-31 05:25:02
bro: 2017-10-31 05:25:02
gran: 2017-10-31 03:25:02
auckland: 2017-10-31 22:25:02

 ~ Ω timez la london de auckland
la: 2017-10-31 02:26:27
london: 2017-10-31 09:26:27
de: 2017-10-31 10:26:27
auckland: 2017-10-31 22:26:27

With #soberoctober ending I look forward to once again sucking at Rocket League and various other games. Steam has re-downloaded 25Gb (yeah, I uninstalled Steam on day 1) and has 100Gb to go. Half of that is Middle Earth: Shadow Of Mordor.

Nicotine was the hardest to give up, followed by videogames.

My colleagues and I plan to build a Cube out of all those magic cards I bought.

Cube is a casual format where you and your friends craft a pool of several hundred unique cards, then any time you want, randomly pick 3x15 cards from the pool and have a booster draft. You replace the cards after the draft. You try and build your cube to have an interesting set of themes that’s fun to draft - it’s like your own custom Magic set. It also offers a way for friends to play, who would rather not spend money on small pieces of cardboard.