#soberoctober day 4: a bit of serverless

Oct 4, 2017 19:34 · 230 words · 2 minutes read

Today’s Achievements:

I tried Amazon Lambda. I first heard of this “serverless” computing at Full Stack Fest 2016. You give Amazon a function and only pay for resources used as the function runs. I immediately observed that there are, in fact, still servers involved, you’re just delegating operations to Amazon.

After I got over my pedantry and listened to this story I decided I liked the idea. Lambda can be orders of magnitudes cheaper than EC2 (for sporadic resource use,) or more expensive than EC2 (for pegged resource use.)


  • Created AWS account
  • Read Lambda, DynamoDB docs and tutorieals
  • Created IAM role, group, user
  • Installed and configured awscli
  • Created a streaming Dynamo table
  • Configured the Dynamo table to communicate with Lambda
  • Created com-therealplato-counter Lambda function, that receives HTTP and pings Dynamo


Fix the function! The output indicates I’m giving Dynamo bad information:

There were 5 validation errors:\n* MissingRequiredParameter:
Missing required key 'TableName' in params\n*
MissingRequiredParameter: Missing required key 'Item' in
params\n* UnexpectedParameter: Unexpected key 'Items' found
in params\n* UnexpectedParameter: Unexpected key 'Count'
found in params\n* UnexpectedParameter: Unexpected key
'ScannedCount' found in params

Just Arch Things…

I haven’t yet found an obvious way to make my volume keys adjust volume. Apparently I can edit xorg configuration files to manually map the keycodes to XF86 audio events.

F Dat! alsamixer command works well enough for now.

thatsthejoke.jpg: cool-retro-term abbreviates to CRT